
DB 9: Photojournalism

What's the role of photo journalism?

    Photo journalism is a particular form of journalism: collecting, editing, and presenting of news material of publication or broadcast that creates images in order to tell a news story. Photojournalism is distinguished from other close branches of photography by complying with a rigid ethical framework which demands that the work is both honest and impartial whilst telling the story in strictly journalistic terms. Photo journalists create picture that contribute to the news media. It is one of the ways to tell people what's going on around our life.

Are there rules that photojournalists should follow? Why? Why not?

   In my opinion, photojornalists should follow rules, everything should follow their rules. So dose photojournalists. In general, most of media accept changes only to improve the quality of photo, we can not change the main idea for the photo, such as: adding people or cut people from the picture.  News should be real, we can not alter photos to show the public. We can not lie to the public. 

 This is a picture from nddaily news.

   Those three people are from government, and they are inspecting the flood disaster. Of course, this is picture with altering, it shows them are very concerned people, and they were standing in the water. It looks very funny actually.

 Is the ethics of taking journalistics photos different than the ethics of writing a news story?

The ethics of taking jornalistics photos is similar to the ethics of writing a news story, both of them are media which required reporting news based on the truth. The difference is, the ethics of writing news story are showing people imagine about the story variously  when they read, in the other hand, the ethics of taking journalistic photo is already have the picture and let people think what is going on in the picture.

What's the impact if altering press photographs? Should they be edited (at all) in postproduction?

 Photograph technology is play a significant role in the present days, there are so many ways to edit photos. Altering press photographs has huge impact to the society. They can make photo higher quality or change the picture idea to mislead public. Personally, we can edit photo just for ourselves to have fun, but we can not change the main point to the public.


